I am no longer registered with the UKCP or BPC. This perhaps requires explanation.
In the depths of the covid pandemic, when all previous certainties and structures seemed to me to be undermined and death was all around, I fell profoundly in love with someone I was seeing in therapy. This was unsought for and came completely out of the blue. It was not an everyday feeling of love, but something that came from the depths of my soul and that I recognised was completely life-changing. It felt to me then, and still feels to me now, that it was a calling that I could not ignore without betraying something profound and essential to my true self. I vowed to stay true to it come what may, and I have done so. It was obviously not a rational experience and yet, like Jonah being swallowed by the whale, I had to respect and trust it even whilst I did not (and still do not) understand fully what this calling might mean.
I immediately consulted with my supervisor and the chair of the Ethics Committee and we followed their advice, terminating the therapy and each of us going into new therapies, allowing time and space for us to reflect on what we were experiencing. I recognised that I had failed my client as her therapist and that this was a very problematic situation. I had not sought it, it ‘befell’ me. I wanted what was best for the person I had fallen in love with, and I respected her independence and, of course, her need to follow her own path. She is a substantial person who knows her own mind well. We both made sure she had the necessary time and space for her to decide how she wanted to proceed. After a considerable amount of time and many further, continuing, independent consultations we began a relationship. This has resulted in me being removed from the registers of the BPC and UKCP. I complied with their procedures throughout.
This profound falling in love was a matter of coming into existence on the deepest level, in relationship with someone who lives true to their deepest self - someone who inspired and facilitated me to do the same. As Jung said many times, the true challenge is to follow our own unique path, wherever that may lead.