Here are some links and information which I hope might be of interest.
Organisations of interest
The Society of Analytical Psychology
International Association for Analytical Psychology
British Psychoanalytic Council
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
More about Jung and Analytical Psychology
This link is to some short papers on the SAP website giving more detail on such things as: Jung the Man, Jung's model of the psyche, the shadow, dreams (I wrote this one), post-Jungian developmental theory, individuation and typology - more papers will be added soon - click here.
Jung's Red Book
A fascinating book that has lain in the vaults of a Swiss bank - Jung's very personal 'Red Book' - was unveiled and launched in November 2009. I have included two links here: one, a YouTube clip from the company that copied the manuscript - which sensationalises the whole thing - and one from the New York Times journalist who was present at the original copying.